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Bede's World Mens Shed 11082015

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 8 years, 11 months ago

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As the men have been asking to try out some "green-woodworking" techniques we start to make a log bench.



First Tommy starts to split a short log for the legs.



Most of the group have never seen a froe and we all stop to watch how the timber splits apart.



Meanwhile Geoff starts to drill out the half log ready to accept the legs.



As some work others watch, everyone gets their turn.



small groups take on each task, they debate the merits of the various parameters, depths and angles of each drilled hole.



Photos are taken and as the project develops, more men come in after seeing the snaps on a camera.



Two drawknives and the scotch pattern augre, the new bench is taking shape.



Until the wheelchair bench is complete we can use it for clamping the legs.



The final hole gets drilled.



Godfrey takes a turn on the drawknife.



John has already had some experience on the carpenters axe, here John is trimming the lower portion of his bench leng.



The half-log bench with legs fitted.



Our discussion moves towards the merits of the adze.



The small handled adze is brought out and everyone has a turn.



Then the long-handled adze is tried. Gently does it!



Both long and short handled adze being worked.



John tries the long-handled adze.



We move over onto the half-finished wheelchair bench.



The cleats which support the bench top are fixed in place.



The cross-pieces need to be sawn into a half-lap joint (this is the first job for the new half-log bench).



By using these giant sections of timber we should create a very tough bench.



Geoff saws another lap joint for the beams.



John has decided to continue his lathe training by making a handle for the bowling ball he is making into a mallet.



The lathe requires a great deal of focus and patience.



Finally the wheelchair bench is ready for testing. Keith can stand but when participant's may have balance issues we are much better building a special bench at the right height for seated work.



With each lovely bright day we are working our way around the outdoor jobs.

Our members are speaking out about what skills they want to develop and those skills are building into a good rounded portfolio of activities.


well done everyone

Alex 11.08.2015


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