Back to Bede's World Mens Shed 28072015
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As Keith has asked to try out some green woodworking tools we have been clearing an area so that he can get in with his wheelchair.

We have decided to build a special wheelchair height bench so that Keith can work seated.

The large section timber is set up on it's side and trimmed to length.

A cleat is installed (Ian calls this a batten), the wood gets screwed on.

We are keeping all screws and fixings on the underside so that we can use an axe on the top without the risk of blunting our axe on a screw head.

Jim gets the hang of a pump drill.

Keith has a turn on the pump drill.

Friend of the project Lance demonstrated the use of a sun dial for early medieval navigation at sea.

After our men's shed session we go for a wander around Bede's World to see what the reenactors are doing.

Many different activities take place over festival weekends.

Swords, spears and axes are demonstrated.

As we walk back we meet Gemma, Val and Carl taking the donkey's for a walk. Bede's World is such a lovely place - a hidden gem!
A big thanks to Lance for the Medieval navigation demonstration, this has been a very sunny and varied week for the shedders.
fun in the sun!
-Alex 04.08.2015
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