
9-Bede's World Men's Shed

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 8 years, 11 months ago

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PuppetShip CIC are delighted to announce the Bede's World Men's Shed Project.


Set within the tranquil surroundings of Gwyre Farm (an the early medieval attraction at Bede's World, Jarrow, UK) we are well underway with the conversion of a lovely thatched barn into our very own "Men's Shed".


With it's origins in Australia, the Men's Shed format is one of supporting the creative activities of local men of retirement age and over (55+).

The Men's Shed ethos is one of improved health and wellbeing though regular creative activities and social interaction.

Here is the website of the UK Men's Shed organisation http://menssheds.org.uk/


With our proven track record for engaging social isolated individuals, PuppetShip CIC has been commissioned to lead the Bede's World Men's Shed Project.


Here below is our "Blog", which will detail the range of activities undertaken by this project (newest posts to top). The Bede's World web pages will also be update with our progress http://www.bedesworld.co.uk/mens-shed-1/


Many thanks to the Henry Smith foundation



Bede's World closes it's doors Friday 12022016



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