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Bede's World Mens Shed 22092015

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 8 years, 11 months ago

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As part of our constant improvement programme, we have taken some time to build this bench.



Ian and Peter volunteered a couple of hours to cut-out and assemble this freestanding bench.



To use any machine without supervision requires a level of skill where we can confidently show another member how to use that machine safely.

Above, Charlie is supervising Ian at the lathe, today Ian is being introduced to the roughing out gouge.



Tommy is continuing to collect together the elements for his mandolin.

Above, Tommy has selected a piece of Larch to split into sections for the sides of mandolin.




Ian moves from the roughing-out gouge onto a smaller gouge to define the outside of this bowl.



Arthur assists Keith to assemble his first bird box.



Godfrey peers over the door as Charlie instructs Ian in the use of the narrow parting chisel.



Tommy glues together a "shooting board" which will be used to plane nice flat edges on the timber for the front and back of the mandolin.

The shooting board allows the thin edges of the wood to be prepared for gluing together.



Keith and Arthur continue sanding and painting the Cattle Crush for the farm here at Bede"s World.



Charlie uses the gouge to rough-out a large piece of timber for a lamp base.



With each project, the collective experience of the group broadens towards each member being "signed-off " as competent on all the tools.



Godfrey likes to challenge himself with unusual projects such as this train.

We need to extra careful when cutting and drilling round timber on the machines as timber in the round can roll or jam in the machine.



Tommy with his mandolin back board jig, complete with little cams which can be rotated to clamp the sides after they are steamed.



The hand-held router has a higher risk-assessment than most power tools, but with practice and patience the results are very satisfying.



Geoff has developed several distinct calligraphy styles for carving his signs and the orders are flooding in!



Bill and John give the cattle crush gates another coat of paint.



Then the Cattle crush itself gets another coat of paint.



Keith completes his first bird box with a lid on a rubber hinge and even an anti-woodpecker metal guard around the hole.

I suppose the Woodpeckers have to eat too, but not from Keith's boxes!


After several months of Men's Sheds our membership have relaxed into the weekly routine of creativity and social time.

What a great group making lovely stuff.

Alex -22.09.2015



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