
Bede's World Mens Shed 15092015

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 9 years, 4 months ago

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Geoff making another sign for Bede's World.



Keith cutting the sides for his bird box.



Charlie making a mushroom on the lathe.



John making a striker block to hit with the gavel he made last week.



Geoff again, almost finished this sign.



Jim is dressing a piece of sandstone before starting to engrave.



Bill uses the old wooden rebate plane to remove shavings from the bench, ready to recieve the next plank.



Each session raises new topics to debate, these discussions often generate new ideas for projects.



Jim and Geoff assist Godfrey in drilling his "cracket" seat for fixing with wooden pegs.



Keith paints the "cattle crush" with primer after sanding back the rust.



John and Bill use the "centre finder" we made two weeks ago.



For precise work such as routering the sign, everyone steps back to let Geoff finish his task without being knocked - it is a small workshop.



Godfrey and Jim celebrate as they finish the "cracket" stool, Ian "photo-bombs" with perfect timing.


As the weather changes from summer to autumn, we move indoors and contemplate how we can develop other work spaces so that we do not bump elbows as we work!

Working shoulder to shoulder can be a challenge, so we need to tolerate each other and be patient.


What a great variety of projects.

Alex 15.09.2015


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