
Bede's World Mens Shed 09092015

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 9 years, 4 months ago

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John helps Godfrey to drill a small piece of timber.



Keith has been painting some boards for us to draw the plans for larger projects.



Godrey has been making a wooden "Bit and Brace" style hand drill.



After a conversation about the dense timber Lignum Vitae, John brings in an old bowling ball and turns it into a nice mallet on the lathe.



We need some legs for a half-log bench, Ian splits a small log into four with the wedges.



John turns a handle for his gavel (a small judges mallet).



Charlie and Tommy talk about making pens.



Bill takes the door off the cattle crush so that it is easier to sand and paint.



Tea break... and a chat.



Keith still painting!



Godfrey's is caught red-handed picking blackberries, with red hands.



The cattle crush gate, sanded and primed by Bill.



Several of the members scoffed at our plans to build a mandolin, however the project has really inpired Tommy.



Tommy explains to Geoff how the sides need to be bent into place on a Jig.



Jim borrows the "drift" to hammer out the pin holding the front gate onto the cattle crush.



Keith and Arthur watch on as Bill carries the front gate over to the bench.



Geoff chalks out a practice sign.



Godfrey aligns the dowels on his cracket with the assistance of Jim.


The following photos were taken on the next day.



John's Gavel takes shape.



A nice press fit means that the handle does not need glue.



Bede's World Men's Shed project welcomes South Tyneside Mayor Councillor Richard Porthouse



From left to right: Jim, Godfrey, Mayor Councillor Richard Porthouse (holding the blackberry pie Godrey donated), Mayoress Patricia Porthouse Ian, Arthur with Keith in the foreground.



Final holes for pegs in the Cracket.



Some more primer on the cattle crush.



Relaxing after the work is done.


Two sessions wrapped up in one blog entry, lots of good work.

Alex 09.09.2015



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